We are all suffering through a lot, in our own different ways. Suffering doesnt just mean that one suffers physically. It literally doesn't mean to have some sort of physically disease or to have some disease regarding our metabolism. We're living in a country where "mentally depressed" is not being counted in "suffering". Blackmailing, torturing and of course " Log kya kahyngy" is ruling our minds. There is a person who is getting blackmailed about something. There is another person who is being tortured brutally. There are people who are not allowed to study their favourite fields and are being told that only medical and engineering are good field. And then there are people who are suffering from " log kya kahyngy ." * Don't wear that dress warna loug kya kahyngy. Engineering chor ke literature parhogi? Loug kya kahyngy? Haww did you hear about Mr. Khan's daughter?? She just got divorced. Loug kya kahyngy ab? Did you know M...
A boy born and bred in Riyad KSA a charted accountant by profession unconventionally molded into Sufi Singer.His very latest Qalam(Song) is about one of the great leader of Islam Mola Ali (R.A). Very finely composed a mix of different genres and soft touch of harmonium is enough to take once soul out of the body.Today in Pakistan there are very minute singers who sung by there heart but Muhammad Samie has given an outstanding and adorable debut to his music career.Hoping to hear his melodious voice in future.